Sunday 27 May 2012

My green roof is looking good!

About three weeks ago, I took delivery of some wild flower turf for my green roof on the hub. It has been doing amazingly well and is going to be looking great for the show. Today, I planted up the three remaining trays as some had not done well in the cold weather early in May. I planted these up with self seeded material from in and around the garden! Daisies, buttercups, vetch, wild geranium, poppies and anything I could get my hands open and dig up... hopefully they will take over the coming weeks and give a good show.

Here are some shots I took today of all the trays now on my patio, for easy watering!


  1. Those are very healthy, green plants. You’ve clearly taken care of them very well. They make such a magnificent display for a green roof. And those white little flowers are adorable! :)

    - Tia Manly

  2. Such a lovely roof garden, Kate! Have the buttercups started to bloom? Seeing a bed of flowers in bloom is such a relaxing sight. I do have a few rows of roses blooming at my back garden, and seeing how healthy they are makes me proud.

    Nelson Kamaka

  3. Wow! Congrats on your very healthy roof garden! I love the pretty flowers that you’re growing. You sure have a green thumb. Keep it up! =)
    Max Boughner

  4. This will bloom on its own with a bit of rain and sunshine. I’ll tell my mom to try that on her house (I just hope she’s online right now, though). This can be her new hobby that can get her busy while having a fresher air to breathe in. I’ll have to help her, if that’s the case. Did you make this on your own?

    Ashlee Starns

  5. This is applicable for households that live with children or with the elderly. That’s definitely healthy for them since the plants can filter the oxygen for a cleaner air to breathe. Those who live in metropolitan areas should try this to keep the pollution away from their place.

    Lino Kosters

  6. You’re blessed with green thumb, Kate. To be able to nurture plants and blooming flowers like this , requires time and talent. It’s a good thing that you decided to convert your roof into a mini garden like this. Just be sure that your roofing is made of sturdy materials, it can allow you to expand your garden. Having a good place like this is very helpful to the environment as well as to your health. It can provide fresher air to your community . It can also provide you an excellent source of nutritious vegetables. Lastly, you can also have an excellent source of recreation – gardening.

    Linda Wise

  7. The greenery of this rooftop is pleasing to the eye, Kate. It’s a good idea that you set up this rooftop garden. Aside from the fact that it beautifies your rooftop and that it provides refreshing breeze to your family, it will surely protect you guys from rain/stormwater caused by harsh weather as well.

    Allyson Duguay
